True Leadership is all about Love for thy neighbour and considering the welfare of thy neighbour as paramount; for it begets peace and blessings from God Almighty; who is the giver of life and also all things…

Givers never lack; once the giving is deeply felt from deep within the heart, for others will also be touched to help the generous giver in the time of need and greatest need, in a natural fulfilment of God’s Law of Sowing and Reaping(Reciprocity)…

Killing is very wrong and we were admonished against this in the 10 Commandments by Moses but when one fights for a just course and kills in the bid to save his own life which was endangered in the fight, he has not erred in regards to this because his intention was to correct something wrong which was not an evil intention and it can be called a Warfare or Jihad(Holly War)…