O Holy Night..! It was jubilant singing and exultation in all spheres of Creation when Christ was born..! While the shepherds watched their flocks by night, they saw the Heavenly Heralds that proclaimed to them of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Son of the Most High God! They were made clairvoyant at that time to see the Heralds and learn about the birth of Christ…, they fell on their knees out of fear of the Greatness of the Event…! For they were deeply afraid but were consoled by the Heavenly Heralds to not be afraid..! After which the proclamation of the birth of Christ was made to them…! Then men were very simple and childlike to believe the messages from the Shepherds, so the shepherds were specially chosen as the best tools for the proclamation of the birth of the son of God! It was over 2,000 years ago when the world was going into premature disintegration as a result of the sins of men that weighed upon the earth and was leading it towards the channel of premature disintegration. The Almighty Father out of Love for a few who longed for the Light but could not make it unaided to the Luminous Realm as a result of the darkness that encumbered the earth severed a part of Him in the person of Jesus Christ to come as an emergency Act of Grace to first of all raise the earth with His luminous Divine Radiation beyond the funnel of premature disintegration and then save those longing for the Luminous Kingdom by bringing them His Message of Enlightenment and Love! When He came down to the earth, accompanied by the Star of Archangel Gabriel (the Radiant Star), the three wise men who were kings/rulers saw the Star of Bethlehem or the Radiant Star; as called ones who were meant to protect our Lord Jesus Christ with their earthly powers and positions in the fulfilment of His Mission on earth. They saw the star and traced it to where Christ was born, but did not fully recognize their call to protect the Truth Bringer; Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ grew normally like every other child before He finally embarked upon His mission of showing mankind the way to the Kingdom of His Father through His saving words, as He once said: “Not those who call Me Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of My Father, but those who do the Will of My Father..!” This Will of His Father is what Christ actually came to show us through His Word of Salvation. Since all those Called Ones, Prophets and Messengers sent by the Almighty Father were all killed and were not heeded, the Almighty had to send His Own Son, as described in the parables..! But sadly enough His Own Son was equally killed by the very people He came to bring help through His Word! They saw Him as a troublesome Truth Bringer who took all patronage and power away from them, the Priests. So they had to plan his elimination. He was killed and the whole story was turned around; that His blood is what washed away and will wash away the sins of man and not His Word that brings redemption through observing It and following the way to self-atonement/redemption and development shown in the Word. Actually this was done by those who killed Him, in order to still retain their powers! If It was His blood that was needed to wash away man’s sins, why was He not killed at childhood for His blood to wash away man’s sins without allowing Him to pass through the trouble of growing, recognizing His mission after the baptism by John and also visit to the Wilderness, and then without Him troubling Himself by bringing knowledge of the Will of His Father to Mankind! God is not a God of imperfection and injustice..! It was a crime mankind committed against the Godhead by Killing the Son of God! That is why the Curtains of the Holy of Holies had to tear apart, in the reactions of the Nature Beings to the evil incident..! A heavy curse could have fallen upon mankind if not for the prayer of Christ: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” And people these days, no longer have sense of judgement to know that you do not forgive a right action but only a wrong action done against someone..! Only those who recognize this action as a sin against the Godhead is this prayer of intercession by Christ going to bring salvaging help..! Those who believe in His blood washing away their sins are just those He referred to as calling Him Lord, Lord. They are those who do not want to bother themselves about knowing the Will of His Father and doing It in order to inherit the Kingdom of His Father; as he rightly stated: “Not those who call Me Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of My father but those who do His Will!” You must know His Will before you are able to do It! And that is why Christ came to teach us The Will of His Father through His Words, but He was killed! This is the time we remember the Love shown to us over 2,000 years ago by the Almighty Father, by the birth of a Part of Him upon the earth: Jesus Christ, to show us His Will to follow through the Saving Words in order to inherit the Kingdom of the Almighty Father, since we neglected and even killed all those sent earlier by Him as described in the parables… At this Christmas season, the Love of God Almighty pours down upon the earth and strengthens those striving for the good, through the Radiation of the Star of Bethlehem or the Radiant Star! Those who are not striving towards the Light experience this Loving Ray in form of bad experiences where they pass judgment upon themselves, because they are not striving in accordance with the Radiation of the Pure Divine Love poured out into Creation at this time..! They are actually not homogeneous with these Rays…, that is why many also describe Christmas as a tempting period or a period of terrible experiences for them and many! To prepare ourselves to receive of the Radiation of the Pure Divine Love that will be poured out to Creation on the 29th of December, we must open our souls in humility and in all Childlikeness. We must also swing in Purity, as Love does not tread where there is no purity, for they go hand in hand. Above all, practice the teachings of Love Christ brought to us, then you will get purified from within to receive these Pure Rays of Divine Love that Will be sent to strengthen everything and everybody striving for the Good and towards the Light of God!The Message of Love Christ brought is actually the Key to inherit the Kingdom of God; for His Kingdom, Paradise, is full of Love and harmonious living, and for us to inherit It, we must have learnt how to live in Love and in harmony with one another..! Merry Christmas once again my dear friends. Enjoy your Christmas with my song: “Unity”: – from Prince Ifediba Chidalu Nsofor. NB: Why is it that we humans while signing a serious business contract or a legal paper, we tend to be very careful and logical to the minutest details, but when it concerns the most important thing; which is our spiritual salvation, we tend to be carefree and believe whatever we are told and dictated to, without passing it through logical examination and inner reflection! Why should this really happen to us..! We are not meant to be slaves to ourselves but masters..!