7th September, 2007.

Woman O Woman of Subsequent Creation, how deep have you fallen.

How sudden have you abandoned your high and noble call in creation, to the pursuit of earthly desires.

You allowed yourselves to be easily deceived by the darkness, who directed your pure and noble gaze towards genuine womanhood to motherhood; which stands much lower.

This gradually led you to the deepest fall, in which the pure longing to be the guardians of the flame of Holy longing for the Light started fading away; for this task, the Lord once lavished you with the high gift of fine intuition.

You have led the whole of mankind away from the Light, for no one can come to the Light except through your exemplary living.

For past millennia mankind of Subsequent Creation was held behind from ascending; from having the pure longing for Home burning within them, as a result of your bad exemplary living.

But this is against the Creator’s Will Who lavished you with the high gift of the fine intuition; to serve as the connecting link between mankind of Subsequent Creation and the Light.

You failed in your high and noble duty and therefore the judgement of the Lord is upon you.

You cannot ascend until the gaze of mankind you once misdirected is focused once again to the Light.

For you must awaken to your high duty in Creation or be crushed in the judgement of the Lord.

You must now have the unquenchable longing to be the true guardians of the flame of Holy longing for the Light!

Only in this way can you be helped by the Light to accomplish your high task.

To you who are striving, do not relent in your efforts or fall back because all your efforts prove in vain; but keep the pure longing for the Light burning within you; far above every other desires or thoughts.

For you once failed in your duty and led mankind away from the Light; that is why you must now make the greatest efforts in awakening to your high duty!

The circles of the past will once again close, and the new will then be ushered in with those that are able to pass through the judgement of the Lord.

Together with the new women, woman of Subsequent Creation shall be the guardians of the flame of Holy longing for the Light; for being intuitively alert, they shall no longer allow the earth to fall back to the hands of the darkness. For their ever watchfulness and prayers will guard and protect the future earth dwellers from sinking.

Pray that you may be among the women of the future…

By your ever burning longing to serve the Light and your purest volition, you shall be helped by the Light to join in the Light activities of the future.

Stride on for the Lord is with you…!!!