
1.Experience is the best aid to help a stubborn person learn from life, so allow him experience and mature to value your wise counsels.

2. Friendship is the best gift one can get because good friendship makes a possitive and Life changing impact on one’s life; for Love is all…


1. Giving should be only when one requests for it. Only then can the receiver value what has been given, for the request is to Creation and it can be by sowing good seeds which then attract the gifts; intentionally or by “accident”, for there is still no accident in Creation.

2. Love is altimate when It considers the welfare of the neighbour in regards to only what is of benefit to him and not what harms him; that he does not indeed needs.

3. Remove the dusts on your suit before thinking about washing the dirts on your neighbour’s clothes.

4. When all our dreams on earth are to fulfil the main purposes of our earthly existence, through serving the Most High God with all our spiritual and earthly gifts; which we are and will be endowed with, by showing love which His son Jesus was sent to teach us, we will surely and eventually experience a paradise on earth of eternal peace and immeasurable abundance.

5. Change is the only way to atonement and forgiveness.

6. The intention behind every action determines the gravity of the action committed…

7. Unassumingness and pure volition for what is good is the way forward…